Saturday, 11 October 2014

Week 5

So this week I don't really feel like I learned that much in class, mostly just the introduction to proofs and almost starting to write our own proofs. I've already done some proofs (note the keyword some) in MAT137 so I'm just trying to get used to the proof structure that we're given in this class. Besides that, for this course this week, I've been mostly concentrated on studying for the first of the 2 term tests for this course.

So for the test we were allowed to have an aid sheet, back and forth, but as I starting writing some of the standard properties, negation of implication, the standard stuff really, I realized that I already knew and understood most (Obviously not all since I probably spent about 30 minutes, after finishing the first 2 questions rather quickly, trying to figure out a good pair of sets for the last question on the test which I probably answered incorrectly) of the material that was on the test. As a result my aid sheet was probably shorter than half a page and I could complete the previous year's term test so I felt rather prepared for the test.

I hope that I did well on it even though I'm no good at coming up with sets on the spot. Now this post will probably be shorter since the 'content' in this course was not particularly difficult and we learned less this week because of the test. That's probably all for this week and I have 2 more midterms to study for and some miscellaneous to do!

To anyone reading this (Probably almost no one though :p) and it's actually still Thanksgiving weekend (Even lower chance), Happy thanksgiving!

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